Affiliate Disclosure

If you have been wondering whether CryptoBetting is an affiliate website or not, then the answer is Yes, we are an affiliate website. What this means is that every time our readers decide to register with the bookmaker that we reviewed through our affiliate link, we get compensated for it.

We would like to keep things very clear to our readers. You might think that being an affiliate means that our team might not be completely honest. We would like to address this by saying that without our readers’ trust there is no point for us to have this platform, which is why we would never prioritize monetary gain over your best interests.

We understand that the internet nowadays has more capabilities than ever, and re-checking facts is quite easy. There is no point in not being honest with our readers as your trust is the most valuable asset we can have.

Having said that, we only list trustworthy crypto betting websites that are fully licensed and regulated by the industry’s most reputable government agencies. We constantly review our list and update them, meaning that if there are any changes to the specific bookmaker, you will immediately be informed about it.

As a personal request from the whole team, if you find our content useful, please consider using the links we have provided on our guides. This way you’ll not only be getting the most bang for your buck but you’ll also be supporting the site to grow.

If you ever come across something that you think is inaccurate, out-of-date, or not useful, reach us through our Contact Us page. Our team will immediately review the content and get to you as soon as possible.

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